Greetings for the Spring Semester

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a magical festive winter season and enjoyed whatever holidays you celebrate. We have a new Music Director now who is burning through piles of music and speaking to record labels as we speak! Meet Mr. Reno Walker

I know he looks exhausted but rest assured he’s ready for your every musical need. We’ve got a lot of new and awesome things in store for you guys this year so be sure to stop in and see what’s new ! Also remember to sign up for your show this semester, we start live broadcasts on the 28th so please sign up sooner rather than later!

Now the sad part…it is with a heavy heart and a teary eye that we say farewell to our old Music Director the loyal, the faithful, the German, Benjamin. Sadly Benjamin was taken from us by “the real world” and has moved on to greener pastures somewhere out there in the workforce. We love you Ben and will forever miss you.

Remember to sign up soon before your favorite timeslot is taken! Office hours are up on the web as well as posted below.

Mondays: Reno 9-11AM and 1-230PM
Jared 10-12PM
Erik 10-2PM
Tuesdays: Reno 8-10AM and 3-4PM
Jared 10-12PM
Wednesdays Reno 9-11AM and 430-730PM(this time depending on need)
Jared 10-12PM
Michael 8-120PM
Erik 10-2PM
Thursdays: Reno 8-10AM
Michael 1030-3PM
Fridays: Jared 10-2PM